Monday 4 January 2016

How emojis have become integrated into our everyday lives

To inform you we are in what has been called by some 'The Age of Emojis'. To me this didn't come as much of a surprise. 

Statistics taken from research made in recent times state;
"According to a survey conducted by a mobile company, 72 per cent of the people in the age bracket of 18-25 express themselves better through emojis than the traditional written form."

With this preponderance of a sample of people feeling they are better off with the use of emojis, it isn't possible for them not to be naturally integrated into the lives of 21st century people. 

I was reading an article from Stellar Magazine titled '5 Emojis We Desperately Need In Our Lives'. This titles in itself displays our dependence on the casual use of an emoji. People in Third World countries desperately need water but we 'desperately' need emojis to add to our already immense collection. Wouldn't it be great if every time we use this 💦(water splash) emoji one cent could be donated towards people in need. 

A huge, undeniable factor is of course the iPhone or android devices which provide us with this function. Their aims being to equip their customers with the most efficient and modern services, aren't they doing a wonderful job. As you may be able to imagine the phenomenal statistics to prove the massive usage of wireless communication devices on a daily if not hourly basis may be able to speak for themselves. The use of emojis wouldn't be physically possible without these devices and if I may on all our behalfs thanks the creative inovators of this world for providing us with this wonderful advance.
With an effortless motion of one of your fingers you can momentarily whisk yourself into an abundance of emoticons to liven up your text. It couldn't be made any easier for us. (Apple devices given for this example displayed in image below.)