Monday 7 December 2015

What is an emoji?

plural noun: emojis
a small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication.

If the concept of an emoji is unfamiliar to you; emojis are used within instant messaging to make your intention more clear. For eg. a winky face 😉 can help you clarify your texts meaning. 

The origin of the word Emoji  📖
The word emoji was at first meaning 'pictograph'. A pictograph is a graphic symbol that conveys it's meaning through its resemblance to a physical object. The word has stemmed from the Japansese language; e (picture) and moji (character). Apparent similarity to the English words of 'emotion' and 'emoticon' is purely coincidental. 
Emojis have been a use of visually representing feelings through typographic art since the 1800s and have come a long way.